Mark, Jennifer, Ethan, Emily

This blog is about our family, who have dealt with the loss of two sons with Muscular Dystrophy, the adoption of a son diagnosed with Agenesis of Corpus Callosum and the birth our a healthy little girl. It's a crazy life, but we are loving it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween catch up!

Holy Cow! What a week I've had.

I'm gonna try and catch up with Halloween pics.

Here is Emily's iron-on I ordered off of Etsy.

Here's the shirt after I put the iron-on it!
I managed to make some ghost cookies for my kids after school program Halloween party.

Emily's class goodies I put together.
Ethan's class goodies.
Ethan's Halloween breakfast included orange eggs & milk, and pumpkin & ghost toast.
Ethan enjoying his breakfast.
Emily's Halloween pillowcase dress.
Here is Emily's Thanksgiving iron-on.
Here's what the shirt looks like.
I ordered the iron-ons from here! They are so cute and really easy to apply to shirts!

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